According to an index, Singapore's elderly falls short in areas like health,financial security and community engagements compared to other neighbouring countries.However,there were also positive sides which includes having interaction with family members and also live independently.Council for Third Age,Mr Gerard Ee state that unlike some neighbouring countries,Singapore do not have rural areas like Thailand which have rural areas for elderly people to retire to.Thus, explained why elderly faces a discontinuation from their work life since the cost of living in Singapore is rising and there is no way to have a simpler life. There are several efforts which help elderly to lighten their pressure on financial difficulties and the government has been experimenting on more effective measures which help to improve the community engagements of elderly.
Elderly should have the initiative to take up activities in the community club or RCs just below their flats.It is very important that the elderly have friends and activities to do with when they retire from their work between ages 65 to 68.With this, it encourages them to have a positive mindset and can also help to prevent them from being bored at home or when they are outside.Elderly can meet up with a few friends in the food courts or in the community club to play chess or have some taichi lessons.This will benefit them as this prevents them from having health problems such as dementia and depression.Therefore, elderly should take up a positive role in the environment to continue to live to their fullest everyday.