Passwords like '123456' or 'passwords' has been ranked for the first place for the most common worst passwords among internet users and many of them had been easily hacked into by hackers.Even a better password compared to '123456' or 'password','iloveyou' had not been a difficulty for hackers.Still,people have been asked to set a more complex passwords and splash data, a company has also said that most adobe software users had the most weak passwords than to the other software users.
I think that hackers always hacked into people's account because they knew that they would be some of them who set their passwords like'12345678'.This is easily guessable by most of us here.Though a few people may give excuses like forgetting their passwords so they set their password easily.In my opinion,i think that those people should set a more complex one. Example '13254687' although the numbers are the same only being scrambled around.This may prevent hackers from hacking into their account to look into people's privacy.