used to be swamps. W e also built Jurong Lake and the Chinese Gardens and the
Japanese Gardens and we have been upgrading Jurong over the years, recently as
Jurong Lake District in 2008. Well, you
can connect Jurong, this by the way is Jurong East MRT Station which I showed
you just now - just so you can orientate yourself. But what can you do? You can
connect up the gardens to our park connector network island-wide. So that you
can walk there from many places. You can connect it up to our ABC Waters
Programme, up and down the Jurong River. You can have housing around the
gardens. There is already housing around it, you can see the dark orange pieces
- we are going to build more further north like here. Further south there are
these purple bits, which are currently industrial plots
I think that upgrading and
improving Jurong is a very wise choice. It will allow residents in Jurong to
enjoy such facilities and enjoyments. They would also be grateful to the
country and will work hard to help contribute to the country more. Improving Jurong will also attract more
tourist to come and see how Jurong have changed amazingly over the years and